Project Circulation

Circulation is a personal hobby project aiming to explore circle-to-circle collision handling within Unity. The primary focus was to implement this collision mechanism independently, emphasizing simplicity and maintaining a clean code structure. This project is intended to serve as an educational example within Unity, demonstrating clean coding practices and various related examples.

Game states

Preparing game

Completing game cycle

Game state binded UI

Bootstrap Project

This Unity project comprises a personalized custom package, a collection of versatile tools, and helpful utility classes that serve as a consistent companion across my projects. It includes:

Custom Tools:
A suite of specialized tools designed to streamline various aspects of Unity development. Includes a Logger for efficient log management, a Bootstrapper for centralized initialization, and a Scene Switch Tool for seamless scene management.

Helper Classes:
A set of utility classes tailored to enhance workflow efficiency and project organization within Unity. Employs various helper scripts designed to simplify common tasks and facilitate smoother development cycles. This carefully curated package acts as a go-to resource, enhancing productivity and maintaining consistency in project workflows within the Unity environment.





Scene switch tool